Monday, September 30, 2013

Social-J: Social Media Marketing Management

Imagine a marketing product that reaches hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of potential clients or customers in a single click of a mouse…Imagine interacting with those same clients in a fun, meaningful, and even sales driven way…Imagine paying less than $3,600 per year for an employee (less than $10 a day) who can make your above imaginations come true…

BOOM!  Imagine no longer, because Social J can make those thoughts your reality.

Social J is an Online Marketing Service that specializes in the use of the World Wide Web and social media to reach your customers efficiently, effectively and at low cost.

Having a full time employee at your small business maintain your online media outlets is not an effective utilization of resources.  That job takes experience, time, and knowhow to do effectively, and correctly.  Social J has that experience and knowhow, and knows how to engage your customers so they stay connected to you, become loyal, and give your company repeat business.

Email: info@social-j.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SocialJMarketing
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/social-j

Facebook Facts:
70% of local businesses use Facebook.The U.S. has the largest number of Facebook users.
Facebook is the leading source of referred social media traffic to websites, at 26%. Twitter is second at 3.6%.

Mobil Marketing Facts:
4.8 billion people now own mobile phones. Just 4.2 billion own a toothbrush.
Mobile commerce is projected to ten-fold from 2010 ($3 billion) to 2016 ($31 billion).

Social networks and blogs account for 23% of all time spent online — twice as much as gaming.
The most popular frequency for blog posting is weekly (60% of bloggers). Just 10% post daily.
For those looking to outsource (not with Social-J), a professional consultant will generally charge $1,000-$3,000 for setting up a blog, $1,000-$3,000 per month for ongoing content development/editing, and ballpark of $200 for a single guest post.

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