Thursday, April 30, 2015

Social Image Re-sizer Tool

Create optimized images for social media with The Social Image Re-sizer Tool from Internet Marketing Ninjas! This simple and easy to use tool allows users to upload a photo and easily manipulate it into many different social media standards.

Check out more helpful tips like this at www.social-j.com - Comprehensive Marketing for Smart Business Owners.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Google Shark - Is your website responsive and mobile friendly?

“It happened again. A change in a Google algorithm, resulting in an unpleasant surprise for businesses who weren’t paying attention. Only, this time there was no adorable animal attached to this one, it was more of a silent, unseen ranking killer, lurking just under the surface – like a shark waiting to attack.

Yep, I’m calling this one Google Shark. The bait? Companies whose websites were not responsive on mobile devices.” -Rival IQ https://www.rivaliq.com/blog/new-mobile-google-algorithm/

Is your company up to date with it’s responsive website? If not, it’s time to make a change. Many well-known businesses need to fix their design to be responsive to the device each user is visiting with. Social J Marketing is looking to take more clients who are looking to have their site redesigned. A responsive and updated look Will entices customers to take action!

Email us today and let’s take action! info@social-j.com or fill out our contact form here:

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Spring Cleaning - Unfollow Your Whole Twitter List

Looking to start with a clean slate on your Twitter Following list?
I’ve always been one to follow all those who follow me, but recently I have found my feed to be overwhelmingly full of JUNK.

We have all played the game: painstakingly going through your Following list clicking follow and unfollow on hundreds of accounts.

With some research, I have found an all or nothing option to wipe your following list clean:

1.) Once you sign into your account, go to https://twitter.com/following
2.) Hold CTRL+SHIFT and Press J
3.) Copy and paste the below code:

setInterval(function(){t=$(".Grid .Grid--withGutter").find(".user-actions-follow-button");for(i=0;true;i++){if(i>=t.length){window.scrollTo(0,$(document).height());return}$(t[i]).trigger("click").remove()}},2000)

4.) Press Enter

This will unfollow everyone on your following list.

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